Specialized Ministries

Specialized Ministries

Through Baptism, each of us is called to be a disciple of Christ, to serve God and care for one another. Every individual has been given unique gifts which they share with others. Members of the laity and clergy join together to address needs and assist in the spiritual growth of specific populations, as all work together to co-build the Kingdom of God.

The following special ministries are carried out with the approval of the Bishop and the support of the Catholic Diocese of Gaylord.

If you would like to make a gift to one of these ministries, please contact their respective representatives detailed below.


Jesus said He must go to the Father so He could send the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us. Gaylord Diocese Service Committee (GDSC) often referred to as Charismatics. Our ministry is spiritual renewal. The gifts and grace received in Confirmation are not always fully utilized. Our ministry desires to assist all in learning what is available and be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit to draw us ever closer in our relationship with Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  

It is only with the help of the Holy Spirit that we can reach the full potential of who God designed us to be.

We can be available to assist in Baptism of the Holy Spirit classes, forming prayer groups and/or training for prayer ministry in your parish.

Barb Selesky


The cursillo de cristianidad or "little course in Christianity," is a three day program for achieving spiritual renewal or spiritual awakening. It seeks to convey a new sense of individual and organized apostolic action. The program, conducted by priests and lay people, consists of a three-day weekend focused on prayer, study and Christian action and a follow-up program known as the post-cursillo, also known as the fourth day.

Ron Korson, Pre-Cursillo Rep
Gaylord Cursillo
National Cursillo Center

Gaylord Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (GDCCW)

The Gaylord Diocesan Council of Catholic Women serve the women of the Diocese of Gaylord by providing opportunities for involvement in fulfilling the mission of the church as well as opportunities for individual and collective sharing, networking, learning and growing.

What is the Gaylord Diocesan Council of Catholic Women?

The Gaylord Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (GDCCW) is a federation of Catholic lay women’s organizations offering programs related to every Catholic Woman in the Gaylord Diocese. The GDCCW offers assistance to its many members representing the 75 parishes currently in our six regions throughout the diocese.

The GDCCW offers practical programming and organizational materials that can help establish a foundation of truly Christian community within a given group so that women of mind and heart can work together to achieve meaningful group goals. It supplies suggestions for action, in a variety of ways, in areas of concern to the Church and community.

The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Board serves as an umbrella over the six Regional DCCW Boards. Each Regional DCCW President and Delegate at Large is invited to be a member on the Diocesan Boards.

The Regional DCCW Board representatives serve as liaisons between the Diocesan Board and the women’s organizations, usually at the parish level with their region.


A. To unite the women’s Catholic organizations of the diocese to develop their spiritual growth and leadership potential. To motivate, assist and to act upon current issues in the Church and society.

B. To serve as a medium through which the Catholic women of the diocese may speak and act on all matters of common interest.

C. To further spiritual and material undertakings recommended to the Council by our Bishop or Spiritual Advisor. To work as a part of the NCCW in the interest of the USCCB.

D. The GDCCW shall in no way interfere with the autonomy of any organization affiliated with it.

Structure of the National Organization

An organization for all groups of Catholic Women uniting, strengthening and inspiring them:

NCCW – National Council of Catholic Women
GDCCW – Gaylord Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
RDCCW – Regional Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
PCCW – Parish Councils of Catholic Women

History of the Gaylord DCCW:

Our history begins with the history of the National Council of Catholic Women which was founded in March of 1920 under the auspices of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. During World War I, the bishops witnessed the important work done by the Catholic Women’s organizations. The bishops hoped to strengthen their effect by uniting these groups, coordinating their efforts and giving national scope to their work and influence.

The goals of the council were: To give Catholic Women a common voice and an instrument for united action; to ensure proper Catholic representation in national committees and movements; and to stimulate the work of existing Catholic organizations to greater service in meeting the needs of the times.

The Gaylord DCCW was formed in 1971 from the northern part of the Grand Rapids and Saginaw dioceses.

The United States is divided into three regional provinces. Michigan is in the Detroit Province of Region 1. The Detroit province comprises the dioceses of Detroit, Gaylord, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Marquette and Saginaw.

The Gaylord Diocese is made up of six diocesan regions: East, North, Southeast, Southwest, West, and Central. All of the parishes in the Gaylord Diocese belong to one of these diocesan regions. (At this time, not all regions are organized.) Each region and parish council of Catholic women operates under their own bylaws.

Each year, the Gaylord DCCW sponsors a Fall Workshop and a May Convention for all of Catholic women. Every three years, the Detroit Province has a convention. At the National level, a convention and an assembly are held on alternating years. The conventions are open to all Catholic women.

The Gaylord DCCW board meets four times a year - June, September, January and March. At this time, voting membership is restricted to a representative from each parish council of Catholic women who are affiliated and whose dues are paid. Each region assesses its own dues to the parishes, but welcomes all women to the meetings which occur four times a year.

The Catholic women of the diocese may be affiliated with the NCCW in several ways. Individual memberships are available which include voting rights at the convention and a subscription to the Catholic Woman magazine. Parish councils of Catholic women may be affiliated in several ways too, either through dues to NCCW or they may be affiliated at just the regional level through dues. Each diocese pays dues to the NCCW and to the Province. The Gaylord DCCW is funded through CSA and dues from affiliated parishes and region

For more information visit the Gaylord DCCW.

Ruth Munger, President
Blinda Baker, Vice President
Sharon Gracik, Secretary
JoAnn Bryant, Treasurer
Rev. T. Patrick Maher, Spiritual Advisor

Ecumenical Commission

Ecumenism is not an "appendix" added to traditional Church activity, but "an organic part of her life and work, and consequently must pervade all that she is and does," wrote Pope John Paul II in his 12th encyclical, titled "Ut Unum Sint" (That All May Be One). The ultimate goal of the ecumenical movement is to re-establish full visible unity among all the baptized."

Office of the Bishop
611 West North St.
Gaylord, MI 49735
Ecumenical & Interreligious Affairs, USCCB


Evangelization is the ministry of every active Catholic. As disciples of Jesus Christ, all Catholics have an essential role in sharing their faith and the Good News of salvation. There are several formation programs available to help parishes within the diocese to reach out to the unchurched, the alienated, or to members of their own community in a spirit of conversion, renewal and reconciliation. Contact the Office of the Bishop for more information.

Office of the Bishop
611 West North St.
Gaylord, MI 49735

Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association (PNCEA)
Evangelization, Catechesis, Stewardship and World Mission (USCCB)
National Council for Catholic Evangelization

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a lay Catholic family fraternal organization dedicated to the values of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Membership in the K of C is open to all practical Catholic men in communion with the Holy See, age eighteen and above. The term "practical Catholic" implies that a person accepts and abides by the Commandments of God and the precepts and tenets of the Catholic Church.

For more information, contact:

Horst Lehrer - Program West
5510 N. Seeley Rd.
Manton, MI 49663
231-824-6163 or 248-561-5401

Duane J. Pinkelman
7230 John Dr.
St. Helen, MI 48656
989-389-0164 or 517-719-5728

Native American Apostolate

In 1852, Bishop Baraga established Immaculate Conception Church on the Leelanau Peninsula, to minister to the spiritual needs of the Native Americans. The parish, now under the patronage of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, is the designated Native American Parish for the Diocese of Gaylord. The parish also consists of Non-Native parishioners who are an integral part of parish life. Native American customs are incorporated in the Sunday Liturgies and the prayer life of the church. The drum, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and the Native American People, is played during Sunday Liturgy. All are welcome to worship at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.

There are also Native American Communities in Manistee, Petoskey, Harbor Springs and Burt Lake. The diocese reaches out to these communities to respond to their needs and to hear their voices. A yearly Native American Conference is held in Gaylord in the Fall. For any information or questions regarding this Apostolate, please contact the Director of the Native American Apostolate:

Sr. Sue Gardner, OP
Pastoral Administrator, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish
P.O. Box 369 (Peshawbestown)
Suttons Bay, MI 49682

Propagation of Faith

The Propagation of the Faith is an organization, headquarter in Rome, which distributes aid to Catholic missions and organizes the work of missionaries all over the world.

  • American Bishops Mission Board
  • Near East Welfare Association
  • Holy Childhood Association

Saint Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness in building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.  The members of the Society, called Vincentians, follow Christ through providing service to those in need: such as food, shelter, clothing, and utilities.  Vincentians serve the poor cheerfully, listening to them and respecting their wishes, helping them to feel and recover their own dignity, for we are all created in God’s image.  In the poor, they see the suffering Christ.  The essential elements of the Society are spirituality, friendship, and service.

The Society is open to all those who seek to live their faith by loving and committing themselves to their neighbor in need.  To be a Vincentian is a vocation, a calling.  Our calling is not just to serve our neighbors in need; it is to serve each other since our primary purpose is growth in holiness of our members.  For more information, or to find out how you can help your neighbors in need, contact one of the following:

District Council President – Jim Warren, (231) 499-4653, northmidc@svdpmideastregion.org
Diocesan Liaison – Fr. Wayne Dziekan, wdziekan@dioceseofgaylord.org
Spiritual Director – Deacon Fred Hackl, (231) 881-8624, f_hackl@yahoo.com
St. Anne Conference, 2635 U.S. 23, Alpena (989) 354-3671, stanneconferenceinc@gmail.com
SE Alcona County Conference, 2227 F-41 Hwy., Mikado (989) 736-6271, alconasvdp@gmail.com
Our Lady of the Lake Conference, 329 West Branch Rd., Prudenville (989) 366-7613, svdpololpres@gmail.com
Sts. Helen, Hubert, James, Michael Conference, 821 Lake St., Roscommon (989) 275-3036, presidentsvdp524@gmail.com
Grand Traverse Area/Holy Spirit Conference, 1207 Woodmere Ave., Suite B, Traverse City (231) 947-8466, president@svdptc.org
St. Joseph Conference, 3444 West M-76, West Branch (989) 345-0779, wb.pres.svdp@gmail.com
St. Catherine Conference, 2188 West Nicholson Rd., Ossineke (989) 464-5447, wildlife@freeway.net
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Conference, 150 West Main St., Harbor Springs (231) 526-2017, ex 124, SVdPHarborSprings@gmail.com
Diocesan Liaison – Fr. Wayne Dziekan, 989-705-3558, wdziekan@dioceseofgaylord.org