Vocations Page

Discerning Your Call from God

Our vocation is the way we live out our call from God to a life of holiness. For some, we are called to marriage, others to consecrated or religious life, and others to holy orders which includes deacons and priests. Roman-Raica-Williams_annual-golf-benefit

Once ordained, men called to holy orders will lead, teach and care for the faithful. They are present during many significant events of our lives, from celebrating the holy sacrifice of the Mass to witnessing the sacrament of holy matrimony, baptizing our children and burying our loved ones.  

We are grateful for those who have listened to God’s call and responded.

As stated in Matthew 9:37-38:
The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.

Additional Discernment Tools

Pastor, Director of Vocations