As a diocesan priest, you would serve at one or more of the Diocese of Gaylord’s 75 parishes, administering the sacraments, fostering spiritual growth of parishioners, and overseeing the needs of the parish community. However, the priesthood is much more than your daily duties. You will also bring the joy of the Gospel to everyone you meet and encounter Christ in places you least expect.
Before being ordained and sent to the parishes, a man interested in priesthood must first be formed as a seminarian. It is important to remember that you are not committed to life as a priest on your first day of seminary formation but rather these years of formation are an opportunity to continue your discernment and discover the man God is calling you to be.
If you are discerning your call from God, listen to our seminarians share their advice for men contemplating priesthood. Click below to watch:
Pillars of Priestly Formation
In seminary, your education is built on the four pillars of priestly formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. These pillars are a model for life as a priest even after ordination.

Steps to Becoming a Priest
If you feel that you are called to the priesthood, the first step is to reach out to the Vocations Director to inquire about entering formation. After further discussion and conversation, the Vocations Director approves of your candidacy, here are the next steps you can expect:
- Initial application
- Letters of recommendation (i.e. from your pastor)
- Criminal background check
- Physical Exam
- Psychological assessment
- Interview with two lay individuals on the Vocations Committee
- The Vocations Committee can vote one of three ways
- to approve sponsorship
- to delay sponsorship
- to reject sponsorship
- The Vocations Committee can vote one of three ways
- If sponsored by the Vocations Committee, a candidate then must apply to seminary
- If accepted by the seminary, a candidate will begin their seminarian formation
- If rejected by the seminary, a candidate will be reassessed by the Vocations Committee
Qualifications for Candidacy
Before beginning an application for sponsorship, one should review the qualifications for priesthood set out by the Catholic Church and the Diocese of Gaylord. While many of these qualifications are non-negotiable, some extenuating circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Must be a male Catholic between the ages of 21-55 (18-20 considered case-by-case) in good standing with the Catholic Church
- If convert or revert to the Catholic faith, must have been practicing for at least two years
- Must have some connection with the Diocese of Gaylord
- Must have no student loans that exceed $60,000