A Catholic School educator (school minister) is expected to complete 15 hours of catechetical formation each year, including a retreat (which can be one six-hour or two three-hour retreats).
It is the responsibility of each school's pastor/pastoral delegate to determine the topics of formation on an annual basis in consultation with the Principal and/or Director of Faith Formation. The course of study should include topics from any of the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church along with scripture.
Please utilize the forms below to be in accord with this policy:
School Minister Catechetical Formation Policy
School Minister Catechetical Formation Policy
School's Annual Catechetical Formation Plan
Return the following completed form to Diocese by OCTOBER 1st:
School's Annual Catechetical Formation Annual Plan
School's Catechetical Formation Summary Report
Return the following completed form to the Diocese by MAY15th:
School's Catechetical Formation Summary Report
Individual School Minister's Catechetical Formation Report
Place the following completed form in the individual's personnel file that is maintained at school by the end of each school year: