YOU’RE INVITED! Join your fellow parishioners and delegations from parishes in the Diocese of Gaylord as we gather to learn about our Church’s rich Catholic Social Teaching and how to put it into action. We will also discuss how we, in our parishes, can use Catholic Social Teaching to improve our communities and strengthen our parishes at the same time.
Special guest, Fr. David Buersmeyer of the Archdiocese of Detroit, will present the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. A panel of parish leaders will share how Catholics are living out these principles across northern Michigan. This event builds on the very exciting November 11, 2023 Assembly for Human Dignity at St. Francis in Traverse City. Please invite parishioners, friends, neighbors - ALL ARE WELCOME!
Visit HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/3XTZW9WT to register or contact Strangers No Longer (Amy Ketner:, 810-252-2664,
Promotional Materials to share with a friend: Color, BW, 1920x1080