US National Synthesis Report for the Interim Stage
The National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America for the Interim Stage marks the completion of the Interim Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod: For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.
Following the conclusion of the First Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod in October 2023, the Ordinary Council of the Synod of Bishops invited episcopal conferences to engage in a listening process in response to the synthesis report A Synodal Church in Mission.
The USCCB invited dioceses and eparchies to hold two to three listening sessions during Lent and submit a three-to-five-page document to the U.S. Synod Team. Additionally, the U.S. Synod Team created three working groups on participation in Church life, social justice, and vocations, bringing bishops, USCCB staff, diocesan synod leaders, theologians, experts, and pastoral ministers. The resulting diocesan and working group reports served as the source material for this synthesis, submitted to the Holy See earlier in May 2024.
The National Synthesis for the Interim Stage will, along with the contributions of episcopal conferences worldwide, form the basis of the work to be engaged by the Catholic Church until the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod in October 2024.
National Synthesis for the Interim Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod (English)
National Synthesis for the Interim Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod (Spanish)
Regional and National Syntheses Reports
On September 23, 2022, Bishop Walsh shared the following in response to the publishing of the Regional and National Syntheses reports:
“I am pleased to announce the publishing of both the Regional and National Syntheses of the Synod on Synodality. This process of synthesizing thousands of reports has been no small task. Please take some time to read them as we continue to reflect on our experience of Church and what the Holy Spirit is inspiring. My recent time in Rome confirmed the importance of this Synod process to Pope Francis’ understanding of a 'listening Church' discerning God’s holy will.”
Click below to read the Regional, National and North America Continental Syntheses reports:
- Region VI Synod Report Final
- National Synthesis
- National Synthesis-Spanish
- Document for the Continental Stage (DCS)
Diocese of Gaylord Synthesis Report
On July 25, 2022, the Most Reverend Jeffrey J. Walsh, bishop of Gaylord, shared the following in response to the completion of the diocesan synodal consultations:
“After several months of outreach at the parish and diocesan levels, the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality has concluded, and I am pleased to present the final report on this Feast of St. James. May the intercession of Saint James bolster our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith!
“This Synthesis Report summarizes volumes of input from those who participated in small group discussions, completed online forms, or submitted comments via letter, email and/or social media. I want to thank everyone who took the time to express their views and listen with respect to what others had to say, whether they agreed or disagreed. The Synodal process is much like life itself. Being a Synodal Church requires openness, flexibility, patience, collaboration, orthodoxy, courage, and ultimate trust in God’s Providence.
"In a particular way, I would like to thank Mr. Andy Moe and Fr. Matthew Furgiuele for their work in compiling and synthesizing the material for this final report. It was no easy task. May God bless all our efforts as the Synodal process continues to unfold at the regional and national levels until it reaches Rome for our Holy Father’s discernment.”
This diocesan Synod Report was published and submitted to regional bishops’ conference. Next steps in the synodal process include each regional bishops’ conferences synthesizing diocesan reports and submitting their findings to continental bishops’ conferences. These continental gatherings will then submit reports to the General Synod of Bishops in Rome, where the final discernment process will take place and recommendations will be made to Pope Francis. For more information about the Synod, please visit the website of the General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops.
Click below to read the Diocese of Gaylord Synthesis report: